What are you looking for, homie?

"The Wire" is amazing...

"The Wire" is one of the most enigmatic shows on T.V. Everybody is boasting on how great and smart of a show it is, but nobody seems to have watched it. After falling in love with the complex, yet realistic characters of Lester Freamon, Cedric Daniels, Jimmy McNulty, Avon Barksdale, Stringer Bell and cie, I've been able to put my hands on Season 2 this week (thanks to my boy Mustafa). The second season is even more complex, but the scheme somehow hold together even stronger. Homosexual stick-up artist extraordinaire Omar Little got away with the best dialogue lines so far while discussing with lawyer Ilene Nathan:

NATHAN: You described the weapon used to kill Mr. Gant as a 380 semi-automatic. You provided the size, and even suggested the manufacturer... Australian, or one of those "A" countries. Is that correct?

OMAR: Indeed.

NATHAN: And you were approximately 50 feet from the shooter?

OMAR: Yes, ma'am, you know, give or take.

NATHAN: Mr. Little, at that distance how were you able to determine who manufactured the weapon?

OMAR: I wasn't.

NATHAN: Then how were you able to relate that information to the detectives?

OMAR: Bird showed it to me.

NATHAN: He showed you the weapon, before the murder?

OMAR: Which murder we talkin'?

NATHAN: Bird committed more than one murder?

OMAR: Fish gotta swim, you know what I'm sayin'? Like I said before, Bird was off showin' that thing to everybody, talkin' about this deed an' the next. I didn't really pay the boy no mind until y'all came and showed him some interest.

No wonder why the man was named by USA Today "one of the reasons to still watch TV"

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Hemingway's "Theory of Omission"

Notes on Budd Dwyer