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Dead End Follies Book Club - Fall Selection

This is the last book club selection for 2012. Maybe ever. The year started just fine and people were actually reading and discussing about the books, but as of late, it's just been me, rambling about books I have already reviewed. So I'm going to wrap up the year and give it another go for this Fall, but it could very well be the last we've seen of the Dead End Follies Book Club. At least, under its current form. It may just remain as a recommendation widget on the side of the site, changing every season, or it might disappear completely. I don't know yet.

By the way, I have a boxing story up at All Due Respect, called DROPPIN' PLATES and a preseason NBA column over at ManArchy Magazine, if it strikes your fancy. I'm in a  professional sports kind-of-mood, one may say. Now without further ado, here are the selections for Fall 2012 of Dead End Follies Book Club.

We will start at the end of October with the Don Winslow novel. You have about two weeks to get to it. Honestly, it will take you about three or four days maximum.

Book Review : Marcus Sakey - Scar Tissue: Seven Stories of Love and Wounds (2010)

Book Review : Thomas Harris - The Silence of the Lambs (1988)