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Top 10 Books I'm Resolved To Read In 2011

I had to read a few top 10's before understanding this one. It's not another "ten books I want to read in 2011" top 10, but more of a "ten books I should read if I even want to call myself a goddamn reader" kind of top 10. This is how I perceive it anyway. That gives it a fun angle and that puts me back in the top 10's bonanza.

1-Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace: You know, but you don't know. I want it to happen, but it also HAS to happen. Or else I'm going to be consumed by my own insanity.

2-Underworld USA Trilogy by James Ellroy: I looked for a copy of American Tabloid to start up for all of 2010. This year, I might just cut the crap and order the three novels from Amazon. So I can dare to call myself an Ellroy fan again.

3-Mystic River by Dennis Lehane: Yes, again. It's time I put my money where my mouth is and stop saying I'm going to do it.

4-Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackery: Bought, it's on the shelf and it will happen somewhere over the winter.

5-The Bonfire Of The Vanities by Tom Wolfe: Hence the whole purpose of reading Vanity Fair in the first place.

6-The White Album by Joan Didion: It's one of those writers that seducing me from an intellectual point of view. It's a question of time before I read her. Let's do this in 2011.

7-Catcher In the Rye by J.D Salinger: It's on my reading challenge, mostly for the fact that it is way overdue for reading. I want to know what the fuss is about.

8-Les Misérables by Victor Hugo: Because it's huge, because I can read it in french if I want it to and I have read Notre-Dame-de-Paris and thought it wasn't bad at all.

9-Sanctuary by William Faulkner: I'll have to blame my friend Heath Lowrance and his never-ending list of top 20 noir novels he ran on his blog in December. Faulkner writing noir is like if a prime Lemmy from Motorhead would fight Ernest Hemingway in a no-holds-barred fight. The universe will probably implode when I'll read this.

10-The Short Stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald: He's awesome, I worship him and I need to kick my ass and read his stories. ALL OF THEM.

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