What are you looking for, homie?

Louis C.K's Everything's Amazing & Nobody's Happy

I love Louis C.K. He's the funniest bastard and he reminds me of my friend J-Rod, who moved back to British Columbia last spring. This bit he did on Conan O'Brien contributed to his celebrity. He became a viral sensation overnight and in case you missed it, here it is. Needless to say, I agree with his message in there. I was born in 1982, before the multimedia revolution and I know what he's talking about. We became dumb, spoiled, soft and pretty damn comfortable about it. I remember the time when downloading a movie took about a week on your 56K and that you had to go on IRC and meet shady people if you wanted to get anything.

Movie Review : Blood Into Wine (2010)

On Dungeons & Dragons & Death