What are you looking for, homie?

Dead End Follies Awards - Nominees For Best Series

The great thing about series is that they're all about the characters, rather than being about the plot. Often, you will find similarities from book to book about the plot, but seeing characters develop and evolve over time, the relationship they establish with us, the readers is the real treasure they have to offer. I started many series this year, so to be nominated, you had to respect two criteria 1) Be a novel series and 2)That I had read at least one volume. This category will reward the series that featured the strongest characters who had the most interesting evolution. The nominees are...

John Updike for the Rabbit series

Josh Stallings for the Moses McGuire novels

Anthony Neil Smith for the Billy Lafitte saga

Andrew Vachss for the Burke novels

Which one did you read? Who do you think should win?

Back To The Classics 2012...My Choices

Birthday Post (about some wisdom I may or may not have acquired this year)