What are you looking for, homie?

Tunnel Vision

Today, Mexicana Airlines went bankrupt. It's a real fucking drag because two weeks prior to their first signs of their financial collapse, Josie and I bought our plane tickets to Argentina with them. I know we can get a refund and all, but we got them at a very cheap price and three weeks from the vacation we'll have to front a crazy amount of money to get a new flight. We're getting screwed and there's not much I can do about it.

Among other things that keep me from blogging the way I should to is Solace. I am sinking more and more into my story as I'm racing to the ending. My vision is tunneling around the goal, which is to complete my last chapter (well underway) and to finish my tale so that I can start with my projectively long editing/rewriting process.

What else to I have with me in my time-shrinking bubble? Oh yeah! The Deer Park by Norman Mailer. Easily the best novel I have read this year so far. I can understand why people we're reluctant to publish this, because it's THE BOMB. I'll review it when I'll be done, but check it out. Now, back to my final chapter writing extravaganza.

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A Little History Of Fiction, Part 1: The First Book

My First Rejection