What are you looking for, homie?

It's Dawn Again

My head is clear. My pencil is sharp and my mind is piecing up together those stories I have to say. I feel good, smart towards the objectives that I have and the responsibilities I need to take care of. It's been a while since last time the fog has lifted from around me. Last time I felt I knew where I was going was last summer, in August.

The break from everything, that I took last week, and the clean air of the country are responsible for putting me back on my feet. That, I have no doubt. I also know I will work myself into the ground in 2011 too. I like to think it's my destiny, like Sisyphus, because there's no other way I know how to succeed. I learned to be the best not by going faster, but by walking for more hours than everybody else.

Still, those epiphanies of clarity give me hope that I can manage to do more and put something solid on the table before I hit the concrete again. It's what you get for daring to try to be more than your normal suburbanite. I have dreams other than buying a house before I die and I feel like 2011 be the years where things will break through. Just thought I'd share it with you, my dear readers.

Happy New Year. Never be scared to look at the peak of the mountain. The trip is tiring, but I'm sure that if I build my house over there, it will be worth all that trouble.

Your favorite Literary Bushido Freak,


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Movie Review : Maxed Out (2006)

Happy New Year! (The Year In Blogging)