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Chuck Klosterman On The Challenge Of Writing Fiction

After he wrote Downtown Owl, which I have not read (yet), Chuck Klosterman got interviewed by this really lame guy from Borders Media about the challenge of switching from journalism to fiction. Despite the strong aura of nerdism, hipsterism and emotional problems in the video, I think Klosterman is raising a few good points. Notably when he says that journalism is a reactive art, you write about what you've seen, what was there and fiction has this additional challenge where you have to create everything from the ground up and wonder about the plausibility of all this. Fellow writers should appreciate this video enough to let Klosterman live a little longer and not level him with a wood chipper, like I sometimes want to (I also love the guy). He is dead on the money about writing fiction. It seems to be an humbling experience for everyone who gives it a fair shot.
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The Substitute Teachers

The Narrative Of Canadian Politics Part II (Or Why I Voted For The Horny Pretender)