What are you looking for, homie?

Tuesday's Sanity Check

I'm still here.

My pen is still heavy, but words are being written now and I am happy to announce Lowell Sweeney is now more than one story (1.25 stories right now). I am having better reasons not to write, right now. No, it's not true. I've been writing a metric fuckton of material lately, just not much new fiction. I have accepted a film reviewer position for a bigger web site, so I've been doing a lot of that and I've also been editing a lot. See, I have submitted this story a long time ago to this prestigious magazine. They're interested, but they want some revisions. It's an old story now, so I'm happy I can give it a face lift, but it doesn't make the editing process less difficult.

I wanted to tell you. I found this crazy trick to keep my sanity level afloat. Vitamins. I take multivitamins and some B6 on a daily basis and the effects are absolutely nutty. First of all, I am sleeping like Fred Flinstone. Same amount of hours, but so much deeper, it's not even funny. It also wiped off this lack of focus I get when I'm tired. I don't get tired at all. I go to bed with my eyes wide open at night and next thing I know, I'm dosing off. I'm not used to such a healthy sleep cycle, but I could get very soon. Thanks to friend of Dead End Follies Jennifer Hillier for pointing out the B6 solution. It also gives me cataclysmic and colorful dreams. 

Talking of dreams.

I had a lucid dream last week. I was walking down a big artery, looking for a small street when I realized I was dreaming. I tried to change the letters on the sign, so it could change into my street, but I couldn't. I ended up doing what I always do when I lucid dream. Punching someone that is. I lost control again then and ended up beating that random stranger to death with a beer can. Oh well, that's just a dream.

See you next Tuesday.

Dead End Follies Book Club - November Selection

A Writing Update (Where My Stories Get Published)