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Dead End Follies Book Club - December

This is the last edition of the Dead End Follies book club for 2011. It will live on in 2012 and there will be a new selection in January, but things will work a little bit differently. First of all, it will become a quarterly thing. I can't recommend you six books a month for a year, recommending you seventy-two books in a year would be dishonest. So there will be new book clubs on January, April, July and October. Also, I'm going to switch from six to four selections. Recommending sixteen books a year, mixing recent reads and some of my favorites. I will also make about one post a month to introduce a choice, tell you why you should read it and ask question to stimulate discussion. Classic book club stuff, you know? Needless to say, if you haven't read it, stay off the comment section. You have been warned!*

I'm also working on other projects for the book club, but nothing I had the time to sit down and work on, so far. Anyway, I'm sure you've been waiting for the December picks (or not). Here they are.

Anne R. Allen - The Gatsby Game (eOriginal, soon to be a paperback)

Dennis Lehane - Darkness, Take My Hand 

Kurt Vonnegut - Mother Night

James Ellroy - The Black Dahlia

John Rector - The Grove

Have you read any of those?

* I will warn you again, don't worry

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