What are you looking for, homie?

My Kindle is Broken

I've had the worst possible luck with electronics this year. First, my old, trusted desktop passed away a few days after finishing my unemployment, leaving my unable to afford another one (I'm still writing on an eight inches netbook that doesn't belong to me) and now, my fucking Kindle dies. I can understand my desktop kicking the bucket after serving me for six faithful years, but this is irritating.

See, for the last three years, I took a borderline psychotic care of that thing. I never dropped it, took care of not exposing it to dramatic temperature and even played it conservatively with the battery, recharging it every two reads. I don't think I've ever seen the power meter ever drop below half. Then last week, about half-way into Col Bury's book, it just stopped working for no reason. I went online, tried about ten different solutions (please don't comment or email me telling me to reboot the damn thing, I've tried a hundred times already). That damn thing just stopped working arbitrarily.

I don't see any reason why it should be broken, except that somebody hit the kill switch somewhere. ''So long, sucker. Time for a new machine.'' My dad used to complain that things used to be built to last a lifetime and that now, they're built for you to purchase it over and over again every three years,  I think this is it. It's a perfect murder. There are no clues, the machine is just stuck on that awkward Jules Vernes wallpaper. I'm very angry about that. I don't usually take such good care of my things, it pisses me off that when I do, it shit the beds anyway.

Obviously, my Kindle review schedule is going to be affected. I finished THE COPS OF MANCHESTER on my phone, but it was a super quick reader. I'm not going to go through entire novels on a 5 inches screen. I apologize to every author who has given me an eBook copy of their novel to review, but there will be significant delays as I'm sorting this out with Amazon and...and potentially buying a new eReader. I hope it won't have to come to this, but if it does, you can be sure I will shop the sturdiest option for an eReader. In the meantime, I may have to drop to one review a week and focus on paperbacks. 

I apologize for the inconvenience again. I'll keep you in the look of my negociations with Amazon through social media

Movie Review : Righteous Kill (2008)

Book Review : Col Bury - The Cops of Manchester (2013)