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Ladies Month on Dead End Follies

Ladies Month on Dead End Follies

Hello and Welcome,

Starting today, the entire month of July will be dedicated to female artists and will feature book reviews by Gabino Iglesias and I, movie reviews, conversations and other fun exclusives that will hopefully keep you visiting day after day. The first review is scheduled for this Monday, so tune-in to my Goodreads page if you're curious.

So, why Ladies Month?

Valid question. I don't think anybody debates that women (like anyone who's not a white man) are being marginalized, but lots of people who aren't women love to speak for them, tell them who they are and what they like. Dead End Follies is and will always be my perspective on things (and I'm a white man myself), but I wanted to plow through at least a month's worth of female writing/thinking and see what happens. See what emerges and how my perspective change. My perspective on what? Everything, really. I want art made by women to change my reality.

Starting Monday, keep an eye on the page. Every other day you're bound to discover a new interesting female artist during Ladies Month on Dead End Follies!

Book Review : Jennifer Loring - Those of My Kind (2015)

Book Review : Jennifer Loring - Those of My Kind (2015)

Book Review : John Langan - The Fisherman (2016)

Book Review : John Langan - The Fisherman (2016)