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Nominations for the 2022 Larry Prater Awards

Nominations for the 2022 Larry Prater Awards

Another trip around the sun. The thirteenth since the creation of this site. It's been better than the trash fire that were 2020 and 2021 in many respects, but worse in others. After all, there's a country being bombed right now. In terms of readings, viewings and interacting with media in general, it's been pretty fucking fantastic, to tell you the truth. One of the best, if not the best years since the start of it all and now is the time to single out what my favourites were. None of the eight nominees are a waste of your time.

So, the Larry Prater Awards are given to my favourite readings and viewings of the year. Started in 2021 after the passing of the man who was arguably the first fan of the site (at least the first to reach out to me), this award can be given to a book or a film that was released in any year. The only two conditions are: 1) I've reviewed it on this site 2) The review needs to be from the present year. That’s it. Without further ado, here are the nominees. Click on the title or the photo to read the original review.

Remember, the best grade is not necessarily a spoiler. Appreciation can evolve over time.

Larry Prater Award Nominees for Best Read



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